What is Natural Insemination?
Natural insemination replaces the word sex. It is a term increasingly used by men and women looking to achieve pregnancy through sperm donation.
Abbreviated as N.I. you will find the term ‘natural insemination’ on sperm donor websites for men and women who choose sex as their preferred method of conception.
What are Positives and Negatives of Natural Insemination?
The positive aspects of choosing NI are that it is the way babies have been conceived for millions years, it is proven and highly successful. The negative point, and one not to be underestimated, is that in the world of sperm donors it carries high risk in terms of sexually transmitted infection.

3 Considerations before Sex with your Sperm Donor
1) Have you and your sperm donor got clean sexual health?
2) Has your donor been tested to ensure he is fertile enough to get you pregnant?
3) Have you given your full consent to having sex?
The Old Fashioned Way
People, have been making babies 'the old fashioned way' since the beginning of time. Natural insemination is of course one of the quickest ways to achieve a pregnancy. It is however, not necessarily the simplest way especially when you are dealing with two strangers or in many cases three strangers where you have a partnered couple and a sperm donor.
Although Co-parentMatch.com tries to encourage members to pursue insemination through a fertility clinic or home insemination with a screened sperm donor, natural insemination is an option as there are both many male and female members who prefer to use this method. However, if natural insemination is definitely not for you then you can clearly state this fact in your profile.
Take me to:
What exactly does natural insemination mean?
When we refer to NI, in plain English we mean sexual intercourse. If you are in a heterosexual relationship then the process of making babies through NI will not be a problem for you however when we consider sperm donor and sperm donor recipient relationships NI does become an issue.
Consider NI Carefully
Whether you are a heterosexual couple where the man is suffering infertility and you are looking to use a donor or you are a single woman or a lesbian couple the question around whether you should choose NI should be considered very carefully.
It is very much a personal choice for you and if you have a trusting enough relationship with your donor and you both feel comfortable then it can be an option.
Act in a Responsible Manner
We monitor all members’ behavior on co-parentmatch.com and try to ensure that all members act in a responsible and non offensive manner. You should never feel pressured into NI and if a member is suggesting something you do not feel comfortable with then please report them immediately. If you do decide that NI is the option for you then you should insist on up-to-date health screening tests and for a donor we would suggest you ask for fertility tests to ensure that your donor is actually fertile.
No Pressure for NI
Methods such as home insemination and artificial insemination through a clinic do work so there are definitely options for you. The most important advice is don’t take chances with your health or with your safety and if you feel something just isn’t right with a donor and they are pressuring you for NI then report them straight away.

What tests should a sperm donor have done before NI?
Here is a general list of pre-insemination screening that you should insist your donor produces before any insemination takes place.
What are the best positions to help me become pregnant?
There is no evidence to suggest that certain sexual positions are any more beneficial to achieving pregnancy although choosing a position such as the missionary position will enable the penis to penetrate as far towards the cervix as possible should enhance the sperms chances of entering the cervix on its route towards the egg.

When should I perform natural insemination?
Use an ovulation prediction kit and/or a BBT chart to determine your 2 most fertile days. Have sex during these fertile days i.e the two days before your LH surge and two days after if you can arrange this with your donor. If its not possible to have sex over 4 days then stick to the 48 hours before your LH surge as indicated with a positive ovulation predictor test.
Further Reading:
What are the risks of natural insemination with a sperm donor?
You will be taking a huge risk if you do not follow this guidance:
Insist on health test results including STI’s and genetic conditions
Insist on fertility tests such as sperm count, motility and morphology.
ID Check – is your donor who he says he is?
Always tell a friend where you will be and who you are meeting
Don’t feel pressured into NI and report any members who are acting inappropriately.
Related Articles:
Home Insemination
Intra Uterine Insemination